Almaty / Interview on the Radio 31 |
? There is a lot of the fan in our city. You, probably, already have noticed of the girl, which here already wait for a long time. Martin: We are proud, that we have arrived here. Most interesting, that when arrive any foreign country and suddenly that people call and know your name. This is such pleasure. ? Did you heard about a festival " Voice of Asia "? Martin: Yes, I have heard one week prior to departure ? Did you want to return here again? Glenn: Each song is the truth or lie. If you don't want to
sing, this lie will sound from a stage. Here relation to creativity.
Therefore we with huge pleasure have arrived here
again. ? Such scale performance not first time in your creativity. When last time you acted on such stage (PS:Medeo is the stadium in mountins )? Glenn: Last time we tested such feeling, when were on performances in Estonia. It is completely incredible. On a stage you do same, that the people do behind a stage. They test pleasure! Martin: Most interesting: whence they know the texts of songs which we sing? ? This is the very hard question... A lot of information occurs in press about Karim, it is so much hearings! But what actually has taken place? Glenn: From the beginning we tested problems with Karim, as soon as the group was formed! From the very beginning he tried to be separated from group. He tried to be one, wanted to have the clothes and money. And it only beginning of all problem. Martin: He only wanted to stand in the middle of a stage, the separate limousine wanted during tour. ? During all time you bore it. What happened actually? You collectively have decided it or he has slapped by a door and has told: " I leave "? Glenn: We come long time to this decision . The culmination moment begin, when Karim has struck me on the face. Then we have solved, that he should leave group! ? Are you interested by his further destiny now? What he will do in further? Martin: Perfectly is not present! Glenn: No contacts! He is the man, which has left our life! If someone beats you on the face... Will you talk to him? ? You know, that there is God's true, that it is possible to substitute other cheek. If you think, that the man is talented. Glenn: We can't talk with them now, because there is nothing with him while to talk. ?
You began at five. When the group is organized, there are
any problems. You much have passed together. Now is it
similar, what in any the man have taken away a part of a body? How
you feel after that? Glenn: We not the first day and no first year together. And already there are a lot of years. If any man can't understand, that he the member of a group, that he is worker of this group. We many times spoken to him: " You are the member of our group!" But if the man can't to understand it during many years, it is necessary will be forgiven with him! ? The hearing was in press, that you have got tired from each other, of constant performances, fans. There were hearings, that in the speed future the group simply will break up. And on this stage you give last concert. Martin: Completely, is not present. We are four big friends. It never will take place! We has a lot of bore. When we did creativity and it should as be paid. But this money turned around of us, but did not get to us. We have gone through it! After such experience us nothing frightens, especially, to arrive here. ? How you concern to other groups? For example, Westlife, Backstreetboys, N'Sync... Whether you feel a competition? Martin: Boy-band do not represent for us any competition. Backstreetboys it is the good guys. We with them sing a song: " Let the music heal your soul" . If you are a talent, what competition here can be? ? Would you want to work with anybody from world stars? Glenn: We met the Michael Jackson's father. He wants, that we should write songs for his new groups. Basically such creative alliances are possible. ? There is a lot of people like an Internet. Do you have own website? Martin Dennis: WW (double U, double U) Martin: Yes, sorry ? Do you look on this page? Glenn: It is pleased frequently, whether we look much from the new fans something has written. As is interested in our destiny. If something is required we necessarily we shall answer! Sometimes simply we write questions to the one who sets them. ? Not looking on a so rigid rhythm, you go on tour, enter the name. Whether something has changed in personal life with 1998 year?Glenn: If the creativity becomes yours hobby, it is very difficult to travel. You take a great interest in this work. You see the new countries new people new fans. ? When we will see your new works( Clips or songs)? Martin: Now we work in studio. Today in evening you'll see, that we already did. And somewhere in October or November something will appear new. We hope, that everybody like it. ? At many musicians have a hobby. The guys have something general, what they are united also by(with) it something is reflected in their creativity?Glenn: I love " black music ", Dennis - guitar music, Martin - rock, Alex - trance. It is very difficult to invent something new in music. Yes, someone takes a great interest in computer music. Music was, it is thought up not by us! That we want to do it to unit that that was already made. ? As to computer processings, you have song " This goodbye is not forever ". There is a computer processing of a vote . Glenn: Ours producer Dieter Bohlen has heard at Cher computer manipulation of a vote. Also he has wanted, that it has sounded in our creativity. ? How you have met New year? Glenn: We were on a party all together. ? After Voice of Asia , where are you going?Martin:In Germany, because we have a concert! ? At you one of last single " Dinner in heaven ". There is this song very popular on Radio. How you imagine dinner in heaven ?Glenn: Ours producer has written words to this song. I think
it is necessary to ask him August, 2000